You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 23, 2007.

Ok I’ve heard a lot about Facebook, so here I am..

ZuL Cintaislove's Facebook profile

There’s this song I’ve been listening to. Not Falling Apart by Maroon 5, Fizz introduced me to this song, well, a nice and bouncy song to listen to especially when you thought your falling apart and down the pit. Somehow by listening to this song, I feel energized and refreshed. Thanks Fizz! So to all you broken hearts out there, go download this song and bounce with me hehe. Love is a sweet poison, but I guess there’s always an antidote no?

And and I was downloading this song by Outlandish titled Callin’ You when I came across the song Aicha, also by Outlandish, apparently a revival of Khaled’s French-Arabic version. Very nice. I think Cute Little Hana downloaded the whole Outlandish album. I told her I’m gonna come up with my own version of the song called Ayu. And should there be a video clip, Cute Little Hana volunteered to be featured in it with her as Ayu and Wentworth Miller as Zul. But then, who’s gonna be Cute Little Hana? LOL!

This afternoon Fizz asked me to download Last Flight Out by Plus 1 after she heard the song on old school tracks on Kristal FM. It’s been ages I didn’t hear this song and yes it’s a sweet song. Must be year 2000 or so. I just broke off with my first girlfriend then. Devastated I was, I guess I’m used to being hurt already.

Listening to old school took me back to those days when I used to hang out with my buddy Amal. One song Save The Last Dance For Me by Michael Buble reminds me of Amal’s birthday celebration few years back. That night, basically all the guys in her life were there, she danced and had fun with them, but I was the one who sent her home, so yea, sort of she saved the last dance for me. Apakanz?! Heheh

I came across this website, a story of an 8 year old girl in Malaysia, Nurin Jazlin who was brutally tortured, raped and murdered. The criminal is still at large. My God! What manner of man could do such a thing? No mercy, no consideration. She’s only an 8 year old girl who was so innocent. If this guy, whoever did it, think he can run away from his crime, then the ultimate justice from the Almighty awaits. No matter where he hide, guilt will always be upon him. And he deserve the most severest of punishment.

I’ve read before about a father who raped his daughter, right here in Brunei. I’m sure he’s currently serving his sentence which I think is less than what he deserves. 20+ strokes? I personally believe that his genitals ought to castrated and fed to dogs. How could a man do such thing to his own offspring, born from his own drop of semen? These people have let lust control themselves thus they did it with no feeling of love or mercy.

Oh well! Life! and men!

To the family of Nurin Jazlin, I express my deepest condolences and patience be with you. Allah will bless her soul and His Justice will be served.

p/s Selamat Hari Guru to my teacher friends

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007