You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 17, 2007.

9 am has come and gone. I didn’t go and see Ayu after all although I wanted to as much as I can. Even my assistant noticed my restlessness this morning, I was like sitting, standing, sit again then got up again pointlessly. But I still remember Fizz’s text at 3.09am this morning while I was fast asleep, “Zul, you may do anything you want in the world, except hurting yourself i.e. meeting her.” On top of that, I will always remember what Ayu once said, “but me tunang orang dah”. I know I kept on saying that phrase but it is such a powerful quote. I’m just not ready to see her just yet. If I had to bump into her, let it just be a hi and a bye.

I’m going for an interview tomorrow morning for a different position within the firm, better pay and if I should get this job, I won’t have to deal directly with Ayu’s office anymore although I would still be in the same building. I’m not hoping to get this job though, coz I know there are other candidates who are worth the job than me. But I’m just going to try out my luck. No harm in trying kan.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007