You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 2, 2007.

I just got back from wedding(s). We must have got 2 weddings and 3 doa arwah invitations today, daytime only. There’s 2 more doa arwahs tonight. 2 more weeks before Ramadhan and this is the time where everyone is in the rush to do weddings and doa arwahs. Well, the rush is not the issue, after all it’s the holy month, so yea.

I went to both weddings myself and everyone especially the elders were asking me this question, the question someone in their late 20s and early 30s would get. None other than the “Bila kawin?” question. All I could answer them was,

“Kan kawin sama siapa jua?”

“Kalau kena sponsor, boleh eh!”

“Tunggu saja, ada lagurnya tu!”

The rest, I just grinned. It’s not that I don’t want to get married and settle down, have babies and raise kids. Forget the issue of ‘kan kawin sama siapa’ here, but personally I think, marriage is not the solution for an everlasting happiness. I have seen some friends with their short-lived marital status. People change. Feelings change. A couple might be the most romantic couple on earth during their courtship period. Things can change even after they were solemnized. I’ve seen these things happen with my own eyes, wives are treated bad, gets less attention, while the husbands exercised their supremacy as a man!

I’m not trying to scare you all with this though, not that I’m scared to get married, but this is the fact. A purity of a women’s love for their men are often abused, men would think that women love them too much to leave him and men would took advantage on this. Hence they think they can do anything because they are men. And yet, women would sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of their love.

I just created a Friendster account although I don’t know if I have the time to maintain it or not. But hey, add me up

Err… I won’t be uploading any pics of mine in there by the way 😀

I’m too tired to blog much tonight, it’s been a long day with lots of errands, which includes going to Ayu’s department. She wasn’t there, also the CD I left on her desk wasn’t there as well. Meaning she’s got it, but no feedback from her until now. I guess she just didn’t care after all.

Good night.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007