You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 25, 2007.

It’s been a long day, not that I had my hands full with work, but it was full of boredom instead. At work things were so slow and dull, did this did that and it was like only 12pm when I looked at the clock. That was another 3 hours to go. Boring! So so boring! When I got back home, my tummy started to show symptoms of sickness. For the past few weeks my health seems to be fluctuating, I know my immune system is weak. I felt lousy and down, felt bored and tired of basically everything in this life. It’s the same thing day in and day out. Work doesn’t seem to interest me anymore, I think I need a new challenge, a new job that allows me to meet new people but of course not butt-kissers and bureaucrats, just like my part-time job which unfortunately does not provide a job security.

Before sungkai I was alone at home, everyone went out to a cousin’s place to break the fast there. I was supposed to go but my sickness made me stuck on bed. Just when my boredom reached it’s climax, I chatted with my Star and Rainbow, Eza. Ahhh people like her always brighten my day. She’s been feeling kinda low lately but I’m sure she’ll do just fine. It’s been ages I didn’t see her, her beautiful face, cheerful smile and sparkling eyes. Jangan kambang! Haha! She’s gonna go to the airport to send off her sister tomorrow, but but but.. at around the same time, Ayu will be leaving for Aussie too, as usual few days business trip. Options: Go and see both Eza and Ayu. Or just go see Eza, sit at a corner and see Ayu from a distance. Both ways, I know I will melt if I see Ayu. So perhaps the only option is don’t go at all, furthermore Eza does not want me to see her cry to see her sister off. Oh well, let’s see tomorrow. Kinda miss both of them actually, just that Ayu is a biscuit and it might not be worth it to miss her so much. Heheh!

Added new music to this blog. Hope you all like it, an old school play actually. I thought of designing a new header image which will feature some graphic image of me (yes, me!) and Ayu, and also those who I always mention in this blog, the main supporting characters. But hey! Sorry to burst your bubble, but the images won’t resemble our real faces though. Just an artist’s rendition. Heheh! (Update 26th Sept 2006: Header image updated. Hope you guys like it, especially those featured)

Also I’m gonna write about these people soon, the main supporting characters in this blog, beginning with Eza, how I get to know them bla bla bla. Just something for a change instead of writing about Ayu, Ayu and Ayu.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007