You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 14, 2007.

It’s the first day of fasting, slept late last night chatting and texting with my new friend Fizz. Although I just knew Fizz recently, it’s like we’ve known each other for ages. She’s a nice and lovely girl, friendly, and we just have plenty of stories to share. I guess our stories are almost identical hence that makes us kinda have something in common. We’re starting to build a trust between us. I don’t give my phone number to my readers but I guess when it comes to Fizz, I’ll follow my instinct.

I’ve been chatting with some readers recently and they brightened up my day, especially today, I’ve been texting with Fizz since I woke up and believe me, at the time of this writing, we’re still texting! Let’s see how many free texts are we entitled tomorrow. So many things to talk about, from our love stories to chocolates and umbrellas! heheh! I don’t really chat much even though my MSN is on most of the time. Usually I would chat with my Star And Rainbow Eza or Cute Little Hana but they’re kinda busy with their studies so I guess I better not interrupt them.

Another young reader I chat with, Wani, who I think is a fan of Cute Little Hana. She once asked me how does Cute Little Hana looks like, how old is she, etc. Wani said she must be cute and little as her name suggests, hehe. Well, my cute little sister is sure cute and little. So Cute Little one, you’ve got a fan now.

So yea, it’s the first day of puasa, woke up at noon, took a shower and started texting with Fizz. It was a lazy day for both of us, most of the time spent on my bed while texting with her. Towards the end of the afternoon I suffered a mild headache which I can only diagnose one thing. Caffeine withdrawal. I’m so used to drink coffee every morning as my fuel and obviously today I didn’t get my dose. So there, the mild pain on my head, prompting me to get a shot of coffee. Oh well, I’ll be fine in a week, this happens every first week of Ramadhan.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007