You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 12, 2007.

One last bitching before we enter Ramadhan, hehe! I came a bit late to work after taking my sweet time out of bed and I was kinda irritated when I entered office this morning. Especially having to look at my boss with that kind of look, doing his work with bitter expression and pouted lips. Not a good day to start with. Sometimes I just don’t know what’s his problem, he’s been spoiling our mood and cheerful days lately. Oh well, bosses will always be bosses, aren’t they all the same? Ok enough said.

We’ll start fasting tomorrow, let us all welcome the holy month of Ramadhan with an open heart. I’m not a pious man, I don’t know when was the last time I prayed. But today, I humble myself before God and ask for His mercy and blessings, I pray for Him to give me peace of mind, serenity and tranquility. And on top of all, I pray God to bless Ayu happiness and never ending love.

Happy Ramadhan and selamat berpuasa to all!


I was clearing up my locker at work when I found an unused greeting card I bought in Australia some time last year. It says “Somebody loves you..” on the cover and “Me!” inside. Hmm the card was not intended for anyone when I bought it, but as a collector of greeting cards, I bought it coz of its catchy phrase and cool colours. So there it was hiding in my locker beneath the stacks of junk in it.

Suddenly a wild idea came into my mind. I guess you all can read my mind by now! Heheh! Wink..wink.. Am I gonna put the card on her desk again? Well, let’s see, but I don’t think so lah. Remember Zul! Remember what she said. “…but me tunang orang dah!” So the card shall remain in my locker for now 🙂

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007