You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 3, 2007.

I was at Empire after meeting some friends when Ayu texted me. Apparently the CD I burnt only reached her hands today, someone actually moved it from her desk to her mailbox which she only checked today. She said thanks and she love it, especially with her photo scribed on the surface. She was listening to the songs when she texted me. Just 3 songs which includes our so-called theme song Ada Cinta by Acha & Irwansyah. Everytime I listen to this song it will surely remind me of me and her.

I’ve cooled down, no point in prolonging the coldness just because she forgot my birthday. So yea, we exchanged texts, nothing but a friendly talk, about work and all. She sounded manja though, she kept on repeating how much she like the CD I gave her and so on and so on. I guess this is just the time the biscuit appears, but soon I know it will disappear as Eza would say, and then as Cute Little Hana described, Ayu can turn heading 180 degrees anytime.

Frankly, I am happy to hear from her, extremely happy. But I’m slowly keeping my hopes low, in fact I’m trying to eliminate it at all. I will always remember when she said “but me tunang orang dah”. In other words, there is NO chance at all. But even though there is no hope, it will be hard to extinguish my love for her. But as agreed between me and her, it will be limited to a friendly love.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007