You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 16, 2007.

I’ve been hearing to Ada Cinta song today, on my Winamp, in my car. It’s been a rainy and cold day and I felt like listening to the song, I don’t know why. I think I’m missing her more than ever today. Yea I know I should be moving on, but there’s nothing wrong in remembering her right? I’m moving on, that does not mean I’m gonna find someone new just yet. I don’t rush relationships, not like any other men would do i.e. if you think they are. I’m just friendly, sometimes too friendly that some people to my disappointment, took it differently. I got acquainted with a new colleague in my part-time job last week and after two days, I had a good time over coffee with this guy already. Yes I am just a man, another man, just like any other men, along the line, but I am not like any of them! Our behaviours, the way we think may be the same but we are all entirely different. God might have created us with the same black hair for us Asians in this case, but He gave us different hearts and brains. Not that I’m saying I’m good or better than any other man, I have my own flaws and weaknesses. But yea, everyone has the right to their own opinion, so it is up to you guys.

Now that I’ve been listening to the song, I saw the movie VCD in the living room. I think either my sister or brother must have bought it. Hmm, should I watch it? Well, let’s see, honestly I don’t feel like watching it coz it will bring back the memories. I’ve suffered enough of having to think about her involuntarily every now and then. I’ve had enough pain and agony, so I guess I’ll just get someone to put the VCD some place safe.

It’s Monday tomorrow, and there will be a chance for me to see Ayu at 9 am. It’s just something about work which made the chance possible. So I don’t know, should I or should I not? I know she can’t contact me coz I’ve got the feeling her fiance must have deleted my number from her phone. Ahhh I just don’t know, let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007