You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 1, 2007.

So much about me contemplating to hand over this blog to someone else, I think I’ve got a strong encouragement to carry on with this blog, with or without Ayu. So here I’ll quote the comment from Eskimo22..

“Someone else to continue this blog?.. for wat? this is your blog.. Cintaislove’s blog.. in YOU are Cintaislove..we, readers label you a.k.a Zul as Cintaislove.. You cant be replaced.. if someone else wants to blog about his/her lovetales, let a new blog be opened up. This is yours, your life.. I personally dont perceive this blog as about u and Ayu.. Its about u..

Im saying even if its the end of Ayu, it cant be the end of u.. so its ok if ayu isnt in any of your posts.. cerita pasal lain pulang.. movies? wats hot and wats not? be gossip2.. hehe. Jadi bini2 jua karang ni.. what can i say.. ure one of the best male blogger.. kecarian jua nada ur post today..”

Eskimo22 is definitely right, this is my own blog, my own writings (typings rather), where I will exhale and get things off my chest. Share what I feel everyday, what I see and what I hear. There will be bits of Ayu here and there, but yea, even if there’s no more about her, it’s not the end of the world kan? Well, I might just recruit a guest author who will blog here every now and then. Just in case something ever happen to me, he/she can update you all on my status, so that you all know what’s going on and not wondering where I went and all. It’s good to have a back up.

So yea, here I am to stay! Thank you for all your support readers. Love you all!

Nothing much happening today, I’ve been quite busy with a small function in our office, just us in our little department. Too busy to think of what I should not be thinking, although there are times I think of her and what is she doing. Remember Zul! Remember what Ayu said yesterday, “but me tunang orang udah“. Yea, I must digest that! Painful? Of course, very very painful. But it’s the only way out!

After work, before I could even think of her, I went out to get some fresh air, dropped by Cute Little Hana’s place to send some stuff, too bad no chocolates. It’s been a long time I didn’t see her, so we talked and talked, updating ourselves on each other, etc. Seems like we can’t stop talking, lots of stories to share, but it was starting to rain so I sent her back indoors before the rain sent her sneezing. Really, my little sister Cute Little Hana never failed to brighten my day.

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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September 2007