You are currently browsing the daily archive for December 4, 2007.

I’m kinda feeling down and stressed for reasons I don’t even know. I feel like my head is overloaded with so many things i can’t comprehend. Sometimes I just don’t know what actually I want in life. Careerwise, I have a good career which gave me job satisfaction. Moneywise, I am happy with what I have. Although there are tight times but I managed to survive. Thank God at least I don’t have to steal or beg.

Lovewise, I already found what I’ve been looking for, a loving and caring girl like Emma. She care for each and every tiny bits of my welfare and at least I know that I am not treated insignificantly. Believe me, a man knows when a woman really loves him. I don’t mean to compare anyone here, but I don’t feel the same treatment from Ayu. I still remember those days, when I hold Ayu’s hand, I don’t feel the responsive loving grasp from her end. Yes, lovewise, with Emma in my life, what more a man like me could ever ask for?

So why the stress? Is it because of the weekend with Ayu? Is it because of work? Sometimes I wish our brain is just like a hard disk which we can reformat anytime they got corrupted. And speaking of work, I just found out that the boss I am reporting to at this branch is even worst than my previous ones. Oh well, aren’t all bosses the same?

Just another private journal, an uneventful life of a man obsessed with his affection. Anonymity is golden. My writings ain't that good, please excuse my grammar mistakes, and the occasional bad language :)

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December 2007